
Disintegration - HOODLUM
Titel: Disintegration
Genre: FPS
Sprache/n: Englisch(Audio) Sprache/n: ENG | Text/Untertitel/n: ENG
Hoster: Zippyshare.com, Uploaded.net, ddownload.com, Oboom.com, Rapidgator.net
Größe: 10430,7 MB
Parts: 22 Dateien
Passwort: - wird nicht benötigt -
Format+Infos: ISO

Fliegt im neuen und innovativen Sci-Fi-Egoshooter Disintegration ein bis zum Anschlag bewaffnetes Gravehikel. Befehligt eure Bodentruppen und kämpft euch so durch eine spannende Einzelspielerkampagne oder tretet im dynamischen PvP-Modus gegen andere Piloten und ihre Crews an.



Disintegration (C) Private Division

Supplied by : HOODLUM Release Date : 06/2020
Cracked by : HOODLUM Protection : Steam
Packaged by : HOODLUM Files : 1 Disc

Disintegration is a sci-fi FPS combined with RTS elements. Pilot a
heavily weaponized Gravcycle while commanding your troops on the
ground as you battle through a thrilling single-player campaign and
in frenetic PvP multiplayer.

1. Unrar
2. Mount or burn the .iso
3. Run our installer, Setup.exe
4. Block the game in your firewall
5. Run the game.
Note: If our installer gives you a virus alert,its a false positive.

We are not in this to cater to what people outside of the scene wants
If you want your games constantly updated - buy the god damned thing
and support your favourite developers, they deserve it!

If you are looking for a active team to join and feel like you got
something to offer then come find us....

Oh shit! We won again!

Greetings to the oldskool elites and those lost in combat!

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