Digimon World: Next Order

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Beschreibung / Downloaddetails

Die digitale Welt ist von Machinedramon überrannt worden und befindet sich nun in totalem Chaos. Als ein DigiDestined liegt es an dir, die Ordnung in Digimon World: Next Order wiederherzustellen - einem RPG, in dem es ums Monstersammeln geht.

Finde und rekrutiere so viele treue Digimon-Gefährten wie möglich, um die digitale Welt wieder aufzubauen. Wirst du in der Lage sein, Training und Erkundung unter einen Hut zu bringen, um die virusinfizierten Digimon vor der völligen Zerstörung zu bewahren?

Hoster: ddownload.com, rapidgator.net | Version: 1.0.0 | Region: EUR
Sprachausgabe: EN | Bildschirmtexte: DE, EN, FR, ES, IT
Title ID: 0100F00014254000 | Benötigte Firmware: 15.0.1
Genre: Rollenspiel - Abenteuer | Format: Image (.xci)


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            > >>   Digimon World: Next Order (c) Bandai Namco   << <
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                     Console System.: Nintendo Switch
                     Game Type......: RPG
                     Region.........: Europe
                     Languages......: Multi 5
                     Release Date...: 2023-02-21
                     Street Date....: 2023-02-22
                     Backup Format..: XCI
                     Size/Format....: 8 GB
                     Orginal........: Retail Cartridge
                     Version........: v1.0.0
                     Required.FW....: 10.0.0
                     Tested with....: Atmosphere 1.4.1 & FW 15.0.1
                     Titel ID.......: 0100F00014254000 [v0]
                     Languages......: English, Spanish, German, 
                                      French and Italian
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         The Digital World has run rampant with Machinedramon and is
         now in a state of utter chaos. As a Digidestined, it is up
         to you to restore order to the world in Digimon World: Next
         Order, a monster collecting RPG.
         Find and recruit as many faithful Digimon companions as 
         possible to rebuild the Digital World. Will you be able to
         balance both training and exploration to stop the 
         virus-infected Digimon from causing complete destruction?

         Endlessly Engaging Fun
         Choose between a male or female protagonist and seek 
         adventure with over 200 Digimon to collect! Explore the 
         world with, not one but, two Digimon companions for the
         first time ever.

         Take Care Of Digimon
         Form a strong bond with your Digimon by caring for them:
         feed, train, discipline, and Digivolve them. The stronger
         the bond between you and your Digimon, as well as between
         the two Digimon companions, the greater the chance of 
         victory in battles!

         Build A Thriving Town
         Expand and manage your town, Floatia. Recruit new 
         Digimon, upgrade buildings, grow crops, and more as you
         grow into a sprawling Digi-metropolis.

         Evolved AI Battle System
         Train your pair of Digimon to fight cooperatively in AI
         battles. Issue commands and cheer them to victory!

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      |______|                 g r E E t i n g s                  |______|
      |     s|   Eurasia - Paradox - Venom - Abstrakt - Squire 
      |     t|      Hellfire - TRSi - Contrast - Kalisto 
      |     e|     Legacy - Complex - Fairlight - Oldskool 
      |     e|   Delight  - Duplex - HR - Wiierd - Incident
      |     l|               Niintendo - Luma - Jrp
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      |      |       - F A S T E R - T H A N - L i G H T - 
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      |     2|      Digimon_World_Next_Order_NSW-LiGHTFORCE
      |     1|
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Download (6.87 GB @ 2 GB Parts) | Status:

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